About The Ordinariate
Beautiful Worship
Study of Scripture
Charity for
Those in Need
English Christian Patrimony
The time will come when the true worshipers will worship in Spirit and in Truth.
[John 4:23]
The Ordinariate seeks to provide a liturgy that is oriented toward The Lord (Ad Orientum), and not ourselves, by giving of our very best in worship, music, art, and sacral language (the thees, thys, and thous). Its elements find inspiration from the Anglican heritage but is as a whole a Catholic Mass.
Mass according to Divine Worship the Missal is a unique expression of the Mass of the Latin Rite. It is new but its parts are ancient.
They received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
[Acts 17:11]
The study of Sacred Scriptures is rooted in praying them daily. The Daily Office is an order for praying throughout the day that assigns continuous Scripture readings. By praying it every day one will go through most of the Scriptures in one year and learn how The Church connects The Scriptures to daily living. Alongside this, we read ancient Christian authors, Patristics, who teach us how to read the Scriptures.
The King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’
[Matthew 25:40]
Charity is not an institution or a tax write-off; it is a virtue, a character trait. Charity is a habit of willing the good of another for God's sake because God is Charity. The Mission of POCSP is no different from the mission of the broader Catholic Church: to love God & neighbor for God's sake. Saint Aelred in particular points to spiritual friendships that are rooted in the eucharist as the beginning of this love.
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
[Acts 2:42]
The beginnings of The Church were marked by these four elements and we seek to continue this. Christ forms our parish around the The Mass, The Daily Office, Doctrine, & Fellowship.
Traditional English Christianity roots "fellowship" in actual flesh and blood time together that flows from The Eucharist, the flesh and blood of our Lord, rather than abstract ideas of community.